High Street Shops


Over the last three years we have delivered over 50 surveys for many prominent brands, including franchise restaurants and supermarkets. 

This case study presents a detailed account of a measured survey conducted for a proposed large franchise shop located at the high street in Chichester. The survey involved laser scanning to capture accurate floor plans, basement plans, elevations, and sections. The project presented unique challenges due to the discovery of a hidden large basement with restricted access and varying ceiling heights. The accurate measurements were crucial for this important location, which featured historical features. 


The franchise shop at the high street in Chichester was selected for a comprehensive measured survey due to its significance as a key retail location. The shop required precise measurements to facilitate renovations, design modifications, and compliance with historical preservation guidelines.


The key objectives of the measured survey were as follows:

  • Capture accurate measurements of floor plans, basement plans, elevations, and sections of the franchise shop.
  • Identify and document a hidden large basement with restricted access and varying ceiling heights.
  • Ensure precision in measurements to address the historical features and unique challenges presented by the location.
  • Provide valuable data for renovations, design modifications, and adherence to historical preservation guidelines.

Laser Scanning:

Laser scanning technology was utilized to capture precise measurements of the franchise shop’s floor plans, basement plans, elevations, and sections. The scanning process enabled the creation of a highly detailed three-dimensional representation of the site, ensuring accuracy in capturing complex architectural elements and historical features.

Hidden Basement Exploration:

During the survey, the team discovered a hidden large basement with restricted access and varying ceiling heights. Despite the challenges, the survey team employed innovative methods to access and thoroughly document this space. Careful attention was paid to accurately measure the restricted areas and capture the unique characteristics of the basement.

Historical Feature Considerations:

The survey team took special care to document and measure the historical features present within the franchise shop. These features included architectural details, decorative elements, and other significant aspects that contribute to the site’s historical value. Accurate measurements of these features were crucial to preserve and incorporate them into future design plans.

Results and Deliverables:

The measured survey produced several significant results and deliverables, including:

Laser-Scanned Floor Plans, Basement Plans, Elevations, and Sections:

Accurate and highly detailed floor plans, basement plans, elevations, and sections were generated through laser scanning technology. These digital representations provided a comprehensive understanding of the franchise shop’s layout, structure, and historical elements.

Documentation of Hidden Basement:

The survey team successfully documented the hidden large basement, despite its restricted access and varying ceiling heights. Precise measurements of the basement were captured, ensuring its inclusion in future design plans and renovations.

Historical Feature Inventory:

The survey included a comprehensive inventory of the franchise shop’s historical features. This inventory served as a valuable resource for architects and designers, enabling them to integrate these features seamlessly into the renovation and design process while adhering to historical preservation guidelines.


The measured survey of the large franchise shop at the high street in Chichester showcased the expertise and capabilities of the survey team in capturing accurate measurements and overcoming challenges. The discovery of a hidden large basement with restricted access and varying ceiling heights highlighted the team’s adaptability and determination to document every aspect of the site. The survey results provided essential data for renovations, design modifications, and compliance with historical preservation guidelines, ensuring the preservation and enhancement of the franchise shop’s historical features.