Borough Market


Borough Market, located in the heart of London, is a vibrant and historic food market. A measured survey project was undertaken to document and preserve its architectural and historical elements, as well as documenting the geospatial details of all the existing services to assist the future MEP reconfiguration projects.


a) Complex Site: Borough Market comprises a maze of interconnected buildings, narrow passageways, and outdoor spaces, presenting a significant challenge for data capture. The intricate layout and diverse architectural features required careful planning and execution.

b) Crowded Environment: The market is bustling with vendors, visitors, and vehicles, making it difficult to conduct the survey without disruptions. Ensuring the safety of personnel and minimizing interference during data collection posed a considerable challenge.

c) Historical Accuracy: Preserving the historical accuracy of the market’s structures and architectural details was a critical aspect of the survey. Capturing intricate features, such as ornate facades and historical materials, required meticulous attention to detail.

d) Data Integration: Integrating data from multiple survey techniques, including laser scanning and total station used at different floor levels and indoors/outdoors. Combining the datasets seamlessly and ensuring their compatibility for further analysis required careful coordination.


a) Pre-survey Planning: Thorough pre-survey planning was undertaken to address the complexities of the site. This included mapping out survey routes, identifying key areas of interest, and coordinating with market management to ensure minimal disruption to ongoing activities.

b) Time Management: To mitigate the challenges posed by the crowded environment, data collection was scheduled during off-peak hours to reduce the impact on market operations. Additionally, clear communication and coordination with market staff, vendors, and visitors helped ensure a smooth survey process.

c) Data Integration and Processing: A well-defined data integration and processing workflow was established to handle the diverse datasets. This allowed for seamless integration and analysis of the collected data.

Project Outcomes:

a) Accurate Documentation: Despite the challenges, the measured survey project successfully documented the market’s complex layout, architectural features, and historical elements. The detailed topographical survey, floor plans, and 3D models provided an accurate representation of Borough Market.

b) Preservation and Restoration: The survey data supported ongoing preservation and restoration efforts. The precise measurements and documentation of historical features facilitated informed decision-making for future conservation initiatives.

c) Efficient Asset Management: The comprehensive survey data enabled effective asset management. The detailed information on the market’s structures, utilities, and spatial relationships supported maintenance, repairs, and asset tracking, enhancing operational efficiency.


The measured survey project for Borough Market overcame the challenges of a complex site, crowded environment, historical accuracy, and data integration. Through careful planning, meticulous data capture, and efficient processing, the project successfully documented and preserved the architectural and historical significance of Borough Market. The outcomes of the project provided a valuable resource for preservation, planning, and efficient asset management, ensuring the market’s continued success and sustainability.